According to Astrology:
Planetary position suggests that disturbing news flow will continue.
New Samvat 2068 (Hindu New Year) will be starting from Apr.06, 2011. Whenever New Samvat starts, based on planetary position / conjunction and aspect among planets, some new sectors commence out performing and many sectors, which were in momentum during last Samvat start underperforming.
It has been observed many times that investors / traders (not knowing this fact) keep investing /trading in such sectors,( whose astrological support is over) - resulting in losses. It is suggested to consult your Financial Astrologer to know about the sectors.
From next week, mining sector would be receiving strong Astrological support. Stocks from this sector- GMDC, NMDC etc can be accumulated on dips.
Banking /Financial sector too would be getting Astrological support. Accumulate Indusind, SBI, UCO, Canara, Central Bank and BoB et from banking and REC, IDFC, IFCI, LIC Housing etc from financials on dips.
Watches sector too would be receiving Astrological support. But Titan on dips.
Planetary position suggests that disturbing news flow will continue.
New Samvat 2068 (Hindu New Year) will be starting from Apr.06, 2011. Whenever New Samvat starts, based on planetary position / conjunction and aspect among planets, some new sectors commence out performing and many sectors, which were in momentum during last Samvat start underperforming.
It has been observed many times that investors / traders (not knowing this fact) keep investing /trading in such sectors,( whose astrological support is over) - resulting in losses. It is suggested to consult your Financial Astrologer to know about the sectors.
From next week, mining sector would be receiving strong Astrological support. Stocks from this sector- GMDC, NMDC etc can be accumulated on dips.
Banking /Financial sector too would be getting Astrological support. Accumulate Indusind, SBI, UCO, Canara, Central Bank and BoB et from banking and REC, IDFC, IFCI, LIC Housing etc from financials on dips.
Watches sector too would be receiving Astrological support. But Titan on dips.
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